
wedding photo

Kidding around Kill bill actress Vivica Foxand singer Christopher Harvest treated guests toa slideshow of satin wedding dresses childhood photos. Why not makea collage of old pics and mount them for gueststo see while they’re in your receiving line.
Go wild Scarlett Johansson and RyanReynolds held their wedding in the wilderness ofVancouver Island where they fished for salmonwhile other guests went horse riding and cycling.Head for the great outdoors at dartmoor-npa.gov.uk. cairngorms.co.uk or peakdistrict.gov.uk.
Puppy love Wedding Singer actor AdamSandler was accompanied down the aisle at his2003 wedding by an unusual ringbearer. hisbulldog Meatball. Decked out in a mini-tux,Meatball was followed by new puppy Matzo Ball, agift from wife Jackie. A word of warning you’llneed a well-trained pooch to copy this cute detail.
Don’t be late Billie Piper surprisedeveryone by arriving five minutes eariy to marryfellow actor Laurence Fox in West Sussex. It’s abnde’s prerogative to be late, obviously, but nomore than 15 minutes or the groom will startgetting anxious…
Happy memories Law & Order starManska Hargitay wore a locket with photos ofher grandmother and her mother, iconic actressJayne Mansfield, close to her heart. Rememberloved ones by decorating your guest book tablewith wedding photos of v neck wedding dresses previous generations.
City chic Samantha Womack (nee Janus)and Rachel Stevens both went for urban glamourat Claridge’s (dandges.co.uk). The Art Deco hotelin London’s Mayfair can host weddings up to 200- and it’s SJP’s hotel of choice when she’s in town.
AI freSCO American Pie actress AlysonHannigan exchanged vows with Alexis Denisofbeneath two trees with intertwining branchesstrung with garlands of white orchids, whitebeads and Tibetan bells. Find decorations foroutdoor parties at festjve-dresser.co.uk.
Childhood memories Four Weddingsstar Sophie Thompson walked down the aisle tothe theme to The Magic Roundabout, the seriesher father Eric created in the Sixties. Find music,table names and invitation inspiration at cultkiddie show website sausagenet.com.
Talk about burning love…Retired 007 Pierce Brosnan had £30.000-worthof fireworks ignited at the finale of his wedding toKeely Shaye Smith. For a low-key alternative,have guests hold simple sparklers (available fromamazon.co.uk) in lieu of traditional confetti asyou make your grand exit.
Get into uniform Suit up for organza wedding dresses your hairand make-up sessions like I’m a Celebnty. Get MeOut of Here star Carly Zucker, who donned a silkbathrobe emblazoned with Bride in crystalsbefore marrying Joe Cole. Find sparkly gearfor you and your maids at diamon-t.com.

