
Why wedding ring be worn on the ring finger

There is a saying, there is a vessel in the left hand ring finger is directly connected with the heart, so is most suitable to wear wedding ring, take the Heart is connected with the meaning of love.
There is a saying, a game, you try.
First out of his hands, the middle finger bent down close together on that middle section II back to back.
Then the other four fingers on each finger touch.
Make sure that the following process, the five on the fingers only allows a separation of the fingers.

Please open it on the thumb to open. Thumb on behalf of 
colored wedding dresses our parents, everyone will have illness and death, parents will one day go away.
Please close the thumb, index finger and then open to open. Index finger represent brothers and sisters, they will have their own family background, will be leaving us.
Please close the index finger, and then open the little finger to open. Little finger on behalf of their children, their children grow up sooner or later will have their own family life, will leave us.
Then, close the little finger, ring finger and then try to open. This time will be surprised to find how the ring finger is also ox. Because the ring finger on behalf of the couple, love stick together after a lifetime will not separate.

Sources:  http://www.forherandforhim.com/

