For their capital-city celebration, Fiona and Niels lined upa Routemaster bus and a modest wedding dresses church straight out of the movies
Fiona Sanson was sitting on the topdeck of the number 139 bus when sherealised she was falling for Niels Bellinger.The pair had met just a few hours earlier at thebirthday drinks of a mutual friend and Nielshad insisted on waiting with her until her busarrived. "As the bus pulled away. I had a definitesense that he was different," says Fiona. "WhenI looked down and saw him I had a sudden urgeto get off and carry on talking to him."
It was only fitting, then, that a redRoutemaster would play a supporting roleat Fiona and Niels cinema-worthy Londonwedding six years later. On 30 May 2009, thecouple married in a traditional ceremony at thePriory Church of St Bartholomew The Great,a breathtaking 12th-century structure that hasappeared in Four Weddings and a Funeral andShakespeare in Love. Afterwards, the weddingparty piled on to the bus. bound for a dinnerreception on the city's South Bank. "As asurprise. I'd arranged for the bus to be mockedup as the 139, and Niels laughed when he sawit." Fiona recalls. "I told him that, this time, hewasn't allowed to tea length wedding dresses put me on the bus home!"
The reception was held at The Swan, arestaurant attached to Shakespeare's Globetheatre that has sweeping views over theRiver Thames and across to St Paul's Cathedral.For the intimate, dinner-party-style meal, thegroup sat at a single large table so everyonecould chat easily. "We wanted all our guests tofeel included, and The Swan's ethos of servingBritish seasonal produce perfectly fitted withour love of entertaining at home." says Fiona."I was also brought up eating family mealsaround the table, so sharing good food andwine in a relaxed, informal setting was justperfect for us." After dinner, party band mermaid wedding dresses CityStrut (a recommendation from the venue)played pop tunes until the party wound downaround midnight. "We filled the danceflooruntil the very last song." says Fiona.
To aid her transition "from a jeans andConverse girl into a bride". Fiona called upondress designer Jacqueline Byrne, who fashioned a I930s-style gown with delicatefluted sleeves. Swarovski crystals from Fiona'smum's wedding dress and satin beads werealso used to incorporate a Scottish thistle,representing the bride's Scottish heritage, anda Danish marguerite daisy, emblematic of thegroom's roots, on the back of her gown.
"We decided not to have bridesmaids orushers, but my best fnend Jill was dubbed mybest woman. I asked Jacqueline to create Jill'soutfit in any colour and style she liked." Fionasays. Jill chose a simple, long dress in soft blue,and teamed it with a matching bolero andcorsage. "The night before the wedding, Jill andI were pinching ourselves at the dresses we'dchosen! I'm renowned for wedding dresses with sleeves my love of a blackwardrobe, and the thought of wearing a whitewedding dress was a little bit daunting, but thewhole process was the most exciting journeyI've ever been on."