Main and Alex enjoyed a fete- inspireddo complete with beach wedding dresses cute Fifties highlights
Bad blind dates don't usuaHy lead to lastingromance, but that's exactly what happenedwhen Man Coiquhoun and Alex Lee.both 34, tagged along to the unsuccessful fix-upof mutual friends in 2003. "We basically took overtheir blind date, as they didn't really hit it off?' Mainsays. "I just felt so comfortable and at ease withAlex - after just a few minutes he felt like an oldand trusted friend, with the added bonus of beingsomeone I fancied!"

Her intuition proved spot on. and after fiveyears of dating, Alex proposed while the couplewalked home from a boozy pre-Chnstmas lunch."He presented me with a Tatty Devine jewellerybox holding a black plastic ring in the shape of amoustache, something of an in-joke for us." MainrecaBs. "I was thrilled with the present but whenhe started putting it on my engagement finger.I said he was jinxing our chances of ever gettingmamed. He then explained that he was proposing,and I remember shneking with delight"

Less than 10 months later, the couple wedin a traditional ceremony at St Thomas' Churchin Winchelsea. East Sussex, followed by a retro-chic marquee reception on the practice groundof Rye Golf Club. "The wedding took its themefrom period festivals we've been to. such as theGoodwood Revival and the Wl tent at Best/val."Mam explains. "We wanted to create a sort of vintage wedding dresses post-war, jubilee feel"
To get in the mood. Main chose a Fifbes-styte silk prom dress and short-sleeved boleroby designer Candy Anthony, topped off with abirdcage veil by Janie Lawson. "On the day. I alsowore short cotton gloves trimmed with smallcostume pearls. Very Doris Day!" A double layer ofpink petticoats peeked out from beneath the dress,which visually linked the bride's outfit to the pinksashes on the bndesmaids' Coast dresses and thegroom's Favourbrook waistcoat "But." Main adds,"any danger of going too pink was, I think, tamed bythe reams of traditional village-fete red. white andblue bunting we used to decorate the marquee."

Other classic touches added to the vintagevibe of the day. from the 1934 Mk II Aston Martinthe couple rode to the reception in - "my fatherspnde and joy," Mam explains - to the hired retroice-cream trike and Pimm's and elderflower cordialserved at the pre-reception drinks. Both bride andgroom incorporated Cool Britannia flourishes intotheir own DIY projects, too. Main hand-pnntedguests' names onto luggage-tag place cards usinga child's rubber stamp kit, while Alex constructedthe table plan with corkboanj and a Union jackborrowed from the golf dub. As he's a professionalillustrator, Alex also designed the invitations based on short wedding dresses traditional Sailor Jerry style tattoos.
After a meal ot prawn cocktail, good okJbangers and mash, goats cheese and leek tartand Eton Mess, guests took to the dancefkxywith tunes from The Rock n' Roll Society, asix-piece band specialising in Fifties and Sixtiesfavourites. "They really got the party going andgave me and Alex the opportunity to show off ourmoves, as we'd been taking dance lessons." Mainsays. 'Towards the end of the evening. I changedout of my heels and into pink Converse baseballboots for lace wedding dresses some senous jiwig!"

Bad blind dates don't usuaHy lead to lastingromance, but that's exactly what happenedwhen Man Coiquhoun and Alex Lee.both 34, tagged along to the unsuccessful fix-upof mutual friends in 2003. "We basically took overtheir blind date, as they didn't really hit it off?' Mainsays. "I just felt so comfortable and at ease withAlex - after just a few minutes he felt like an oldand trusted friend, with the added bonus of beingsomeone I fancied!"
Her intuition proved spot on. and after fiveyears of dating, Alex proposed while the couplewalked home from a boozy pre-Chnstmas lunch."He presented me with a Tatty Devine jewellerybox holding a black plastic ring in the shape of amoustache, something of an in-joke for us." MainrecaBs. "I was thrilled with the present but whenhe started putting it on my engagement finger.I said he was jinxing our chances of ever gettingmamed. He then explained that he was proposing,and I remember shneking with delight"
Less than 10 months later, the couple wedin a traditional ceremony at St Thomas' Churchin Winchelsea. East Sussex, followed by a retro-chic marquee reception on the practice groundof Rye Golf Club. "The wedding took its themefrom period festivals we've been to. such as theGoodwood Revival and the Wl tent at Best/val."Mam explains. "We wanted to create a sort of vintage wedding dresses post-war, jubilee feel"
To get in the mood. Main chose a Fifbes-styte silk prom dress and short-sleeved boleroby designer Candy Anthony, topped off with abirdcage veil by Janie Lawson. "On the day. I alsowore short cotton gloves trimmed with smallcostume pearls. Very Doris Day!" A double layer ofpink petticoats peeked out from beneath the dress,which visually linked the bride's outfit to the pinksashes on the bndesmaids' Coast dresses and thegroom's Favourbrook waistcoat "But." Main adds,"any danger of going too pink was, I think, tamed bythe reams of traditional village-fete red. white andblue bunting we used to decorate the marquee."
Other classic touches added to the vintagevibe of the day. from the 1934 Mk II Aston Martinthe couple rode to the reception in - "my fatherspnde and joy," Mam explains - to the hired retroice-cream trike and Pimm's and elderflower cordialserved at the pre-reception drinks. Both bride andgroom incorporated Cool Britannia flourishes intotheir own DIY projects, too. Main hand-pnntedguests' names onto luggage-tag place cards usinga child's rubber stamp kit, while Alex constructedthe table plan with corkboanj and a Union jackborrowed from the golf dub. As he's a professionalillustrator, Alex also designed the invitations based on short wedding dresses traditional Sailor Jerry style tattoos.
After a meal ot prawn cocktail, good okJbangers and mash, goats cheese and leek tartand Eton Mess, guests took to the dancefkxywith tunes from The Rock n' Roll Society, asix-piece band specialising in Fifties and Sixtiesfavourites. "They really got the party going andgave me and Alex the opportunity to show off ourmoves, as we'd been taking dance lessons." Mainsays. 'Towards the end of the evening. I changedout of my heels and into pink Converse baseballboots for lace wedding dresses some senous jiwig!"