Stay stunning even whenit’s scorching outside
Cleansing When it comes to yoursummer wedding. you’B wantto be glowing with health andhappiness – not shining froman oily T-zone. Use Zero OilDeep Pore Cleanser and PorePurifying Toner, both £15.Origins, which contain skm-deanng saw palmetto and broadleaf kelp to clear away excess oiland minimise pores. Or choosea mousse like Creamy MousseQeanser Makeup Remover. £58.Sisley. which lace wedding dresses will leave skm freshand clean without any greasyresidue. Remember, oil is not allbad. Your skin produces oil tokeep it supple and to protect itfrom the elements. If you cleanseyour face with harsh productsthat are not in balance with theph of your skin, your face willbe vulnerable to infection andmore likely to suffer from – youguessed it – nasty little gremlinsknown as spots. So be warned.
Moisturising Would you pul on a woollyjumper and a par of Hunters ona hot summer’s day? Of coursenot but do you use the samemoisturiser ail year round? Whenit’s hot skin is naturally moist, sodoesn’t need very heavy creams.We love Pro-Collagen MarineCream, £75. Elemis. as it’s lighteasily absorbed and fabulouslynourishing all at once. For brideswith very oily skins, go for agel – try Hydra Zen NeurocalmGel-Cream. £35. LancSme. Itsmicrocapsules mean that it’seasily absorbed providing intensehydration for around 12 hours.
Base/foundationIn the summer, when it’s hot andmake-up seems to evaporateinto thin ain a good base withstaying power is invaluable. Gofor Natural Finish Long Lasting Foundation SPF 15. £28. BobbiBrown. It has an SPF so youwon’t get sunburned and it’llstay in place all day. If you dareto bare, use Urban DefenseTinted Moisturiser. £17. UrbanDecay, and a mineral foundationsuch as Compact Mineral 5 in IFoundation. £34.99. Bellapierre.around the T-zone. If you’re stillworried about unwanted shine,get one of your bridesmaidsto carry De-Slick In A Tube.£16. Urban Decay. This niftylotion can be applied underor over make-up and containsoil-blotting silicates, leaving skinsmooth and matte withoutlayers of chalky powder.
Hair Even if you regularly tame yourhair into sleek straight tresses,on a humid day you might wantto give modest wedding dresses in to your natural curl.”If you have curly or wavy hair,this is the chance to embraceyour texture!” says celebrityhairdresser Fn6d6ric Fekkai.”Apply a curl-enhancing creamto define curls and preventfrizz. A light hairspray misted onthe hair will also give you extrainsurance against frizz” We loveLemon Sage Thickening Spray.£6.95 for 75ml, Paul Mitchell,which plumps up hair makingit full while giving long-lastingresistance to humidity and fnzz.
Make-up palettesAfter a long winter hidden underfoundation it’s always a joy tolet a few rays of sunshine danceacross your face (early in themorning or in the early eveningand always wearing an SPF.otMOusly). Match your summerglow with eyes, cheeks and lipsthat add a gentle definition toyour bndal look Go for softnudes across the eyes, peachypinks with a font of sparkle onthe lips or a slick of gloss a coupleof shades darker than yournatural lip shade. Use a similarpeachy pink on your cheeks andfinish with sweetheart wedding dresses a sweep of bronzerfora flushed, healthy glow.