to get wed in, I’m torn. Spring; with its
lengthening days and abundance o f
blooms, suits a village fele-themed do
and a vintage-style dress. High summer
weddings are made for short and sweet
frocks, f) in wheels and mini fish and chip
canapes. The autumnal nip in the air
has me considering a dress with
natural details and toffee apple favours.
And crisp winter days say mulled wine,
candles ami sparkly gowns teamed with
faux-fur shrugs, just like our Snow Queen
story, from pi56 (the story was shot in
Gloucestershire, in August, with carit-
believe-it “s-not-real snow from Snow
Business). Nope, still no closer to summer dresses for wedding making
a decision. Hope its been easier for you!